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The kmd_rewards_info method returns information about the active user rewards that can be claimed by an address's unspent outputs.

This method only works when the KMD coin is activated.


resultarray of objectsthe rewards info; each element corresponds to an unspent output and contains detailed information about the active user rewards corresponding to it
tx_hashstringthe hash of the transaction
heightnumber (integer, optional)the height of the block in which the transaction was included (empty if the tx is not mined yet)
output_indexnumber (integer)the zero-based index of the output in the transaction’s list of outputs
amountstring (numeric)the transaction output’s value
locktimenumber (integer)the transaction output's locktime
accrued_rewardsobjectthe amount of accrued rewards if they exist or the reason for their non existence
accrue_start_atnumber (integer, optional)the rewards start to accrue at this time for the given transaction (empty if the rewards will never accrue to it)
accrue_stop_atnumber (integer, optional)the rewards stop to accrue at this time for the given transaction (empty if the tx is not mined yet or if rewards will never accrue to it)

Where the accrued_rewards has either

Accruedstring (numeric)the amount of accrued rewards


NotAccruedReasonstringthe reason why rewards are not accrued

curl --url "" --data '{
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "method": "kmd_rewards_info"